
Neighborhood and maritime security, regional governance and international order

Dialogue on neighborhood diplomacy, maritime security, regional governance and the international order between the Asia Strategic Foresight Group and Chinese experts

In June 2024 FES Beijing facilitated the first visit of the Asia Strategic Foresight Group (ASFG) to China for a dialogue with FES partners in China on neighborhood diplomacy, maritime security, regional governance and the international order.

The Korean-peninsula, South-China Sea, the Indian-Chinese relations, the spill-over effects of Russia´s war in Ukraine were among the hotspots addressed. But also, potential common goods like; the global development agenda, functional order on regional level as well as proven crisis management.

The ASFG-delegation was composed of the following experts and diplomats:

Prof. Moon Chung-in, Professor emeritus at Yonsei University and former cabinet level special advisor to the South Korean president on foreign and security policy

Ambassador Pankaj Saran, Convenor of NatStrat and member of the national security advisory board of India, former Indian Ambassador to Russia and India´s High commissioner to Bangladesh

Dr. Dinna Wisnu, served in various positions in the Indonesian government, teaches Indonesian diplomats and founded an independent thinktank called Synergy Policies

Prof. Yeo Lay Hwee, Director of the European Union Centre in Singapore and Council Secretary at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs

Marc Saxer, head of the regional office of FES in Asia

Dinkim Sailo, program manager at the regional office of FES in Asia


FES Beijing facilitated a seminar with the Grandview Institution (GVI) on;

Neighborhood diplomacy and maritime security in Asia

and a seminar with the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) on;

International order and regional governance

FES Beijing also convened bilateral meetings of the ASFG with the following institutions in Beijing:

-Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding (IGCU) at Peking University (PKU)

-Country and Area Studies Academy at Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU)

-Foreign Affairs University (CFAU)

-Global Governance Institution (GGI)

-China Center for International Knowledge on Development (CIKD)

FES China

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